Every Thursday 3.30 - 5.30pm Chillingham House - All are welcome

SPARC members show off their paintings at Chillingham House.
Why not join in the fun, art classes for all at 3.30pm every Thursday.

Click the photo above to find out more about art classes at Chillingham house

Help Eon Arts to bring the Mona Lisa to Sunderland!

Roker Chalk In artist Ian Potts is hanging up his chalk to use sand and beachcombing treasures to recreate a giant beach art Mona Lisa!
Saturday 10th October
The fun starts at 12 until 3pm
at the
Roker Ravine by the Roker Pods
A free Drop-in event—no booking required.

The Roker Pods at the Roker ravine - The new Sunshine Corner!

Find out what the Sunderland Echo thought of the lads work (click above).

Eon-Arts Art Classes and Workshops Eon-Arts Art Classes and Workshops.
Various events and workshops throughout the region. Please contact me if you require workshop details or availability, or to enrol on a course email e-on-arts@hotmail.com

Art classes and bespoke workshops taught on a range of subjects, media and for all abilities. Courses focus on academic and skills based media exercises to engender confidence regardless of innate ability.
Alternatively we can just have fun and do something arty! It's up to you, courses for all occasions and abilities.

Outdoor Painting Workshop at Roker Park.

Introducing the Red Squirrel and other animals into Roker Park.
